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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

End of the year !!

Its almost the end of the year and im going for the role as oshea house captain for 2011. I presented my speech last thursday to the years 4-7 it was fun and scary at the same time LOL.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Athletics carnival.

on friday we have our school athletics carnival.I would like to get into divison one running I come second in school running but then i had to run again and i come third I was not happy.the house im in is o'shea the colour is blue.I hope i get into shotput because i puted six meters and seventy nine centermeters.I also hope i get in to long jump i got two meters and eighty eighty centermeters.
My friend Joel threw 8 mters and 29 centermeters he won the shot put that we qualified to try to get in to the carnival.
Our carnival is at oliver sporting complex where the beenleigh athletics club is.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This term we have been learning about our families.
I thought this unit was great because i learned thing i didn't know a bout my family.
we made a superstory it also helped the bookwork was fun because we found out a little bit of australian history as well.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today are seeing wild man .he has just got back central america.he has spasm's from what our class has heard.He get's the spasm's from being bitten from very venom's animals.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

gala day!!!

This friday we are haveing gala day i play footy for school our coach is mr macbride i am also trying out for beenliegh team in a week with my friend ben and jayden.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

swimming carnival

at our swimming carnvial i come 2nd in age campionship. I was very happy that i got 2nd .I made it to swimming district i came 4th in every thing.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

year six!!!!!!

hi my name is tom and im in 6a mr armstrongs class i am looking foward to the callenges we will face and the fun we will have i am looking the most foward to the swimming carnival at the beenleigh my friend joel is planning to come first but it isn't going to happen i realy would like to win age champion from him so we will have one age champion each.